About Me

Hello! I'm Lisa. Nice to meet you!

The Formal Stuff!

My 16+ year career in Human Resource Management and Organisational Development has included both local and global experience in Industrial Distribution, Retail, Insurance, Services, FMCG and Manufacturing industries. I am very proud to have worked for companies such as National Transport Insurance, P&O Ports, Coates Hire, Coca-Cola Amatil, Brady Corporation and MRC Global in Human Resource Management and Organisational Development.

I have lived and worked in Brisbane and Sydney Australia, Singapore and now the UK.

My passion and focus is developing people and in particular leaders in organisations, and I like working with leaders to help them create an organisational culture which makes people want to work there, do a great job and build and improve the business.

I have two undergraduate degrees in Applied Science and Business from the Queensland University of Technology and a Masters of Organisational Coaching from Sydney University. I am accredited in a number of tools which help people develop self awareness and effective leadership behaviours.

The Fun Stuff!

I am a complete pop-music tragic! I love all the one word female singers - Madonna, Brittney, Kylie, Danni, Rhianna, Lady Gaga (yes that's two words. I know).

I am a Magazine junkie. Every month I buy 6-8 fashion and interior design magazines. They are completely taking over the house. There are piles of them everywhere. I like reading them while watching TV, in the bath and on planes! 

I am enjoying developing my photography skills (he, hee!). 

I love travelling, whether it's for work or holiday. I have had some amazing experiences that I will never forget such as enjoying an afternoon drink with a Maharajah on a beach in the very north west of India, near the Pakistan border while pet camels wandered past. This was at the end of a work day which started doing HR Audits.  

My name is Lisa and I'm a real-estate slut. There I said it.

I LOVE wine. It's one of my passions. My husband Arran and I are working our way around all the wine regions of Australia and are about to start on the wine regions in Europe.
