Interesting Articles - Weekly round up

During the week I often come across interesting articles on the web which I don't usually have time to read. You too? Sunday is the perfect day to catch up on your reading, so here are the top three articles from this week I thought you might enjoy.

1. Why getting fit makes you smarter

I have unscientifically written about this concept before. About how important it is to exercise to be good at your job and to feel good in life. I wrote about keeping your mind fit and taking a break.

2. Taking control of your career

Written by a company I have used for outplacement, this is a concept I truly believe in. We all must take control of our own career and life balance to be successful. Outplacement is a service designed to help people with their resumes, interview skills and to  find work when they have lost their job.

3. Career tips from successful Australian Women

This post is one of my favourite fashion bloggers Phoebe Montague a.k.a Lady Melbourne. You would think I would be following more HR type bloggers but man are they boring! Lady Melbourne is great blend of vintagy cool fashion.

Happy Sunday

Lisa xx