International Women's Day Singapore Style

I have been noticing various International Women's Day events being advertised on my social media accounts in Australia, and feeling a bit like I was missing out on things. You see, I have been to many such events in previous years both in Australia and Singapore, and they are really nice. Often a lunch or something over cocktails with some hard truths about the current state of gender parity (with some appalling stats to illustrate) but also with some amazing and inspirational women, some who tell their story in front of the group and others you learn about through the networking these events provide. It's great for your soul.

Business chicks are having a Sydney andMelbourne event and Women in Focus have events all over the place making my gills-go-all-green with wanting to go to one. But I have just moved back to Singapore and because I'm not working at the moment it's not likely I'm going to be invited to an event run by one of the big companies in Singapore, because a) they don't have my contact details and b) because I'm not a client who makes them money. Sigh.

So after some Thursday afternoon reflections I'm going to run my own event. An event that I would be delighted to attend, over a reasonably priced lunch, with perhaps a small glass of bubbles in a nice setting. I'm going to have some interesting speakers and invite all my network of fabulous women and their friends. Imagine the energy!

It will be a no-profit exercise that raises money for one of the local Singapore charities that does great work for women in the community and because I want to give back to a country that took me back!
Sounds good doesn't it?

Wanna come? Wednesday 8 March is the date. Stay tuned for more details....

photo credit: Pexels