2014 Goals update

Every January there is a flurry of information and fluff about new year's resolutions and goals for the year. 2014 was no exception and I found my social media channels filled with information on this topic. I wrote a post about my goals for this blog in January.

Much of the problem with setting goals and new year's resolutions is the probability of actually achieving them! Keeping motivated is about checking in with where you are at with your goals. What progress have you made? Great video here about motivation!

Is too much travel getting in the way of me achieving my goals?

We are nearly 3 month's into the year and what have I achieved? My goals for this blog are as follows:

1. Once a month feature a video interview someone interesting about how they are got to where they are in their career..I'm going to learn how to shoot and edit videos.

Update: So far I have asked one person to let me interview them on video. Since that time I have been travelling so much that I haven't been able to organise this.

Status: Behind. WAY behind! 

2. Blog at least once a week. I lost my way in about September last year and never got my blogging grove back.

Update: So I should have written about 11 posts by now. I have written 6 including this one.

Status: Behind. WAY behind! 

3. Speak/present at 3 different events during the year, either on improving your career, being a full time working mum who travels a lot or something HR related. I'm open people and I work for free!

Update: Last week I spoke at a small Learning and Development Forum. I spoke on advancing your career and included topics on knowing your purpose, breadth and depth in your career and building credibility and influencing (potential future post). I think it went well.

Status: On track.

So having one goal on track and two behind is not a great start to the year. I didn't anticipate how busy work would be during the first quarter of the year and I may have been unrealistic with some of my goals, which is a common thing that happens when setting goals. What to do? Well, I'm going to get focused on writing a blog post each week and I'm going to set a date to do my first video interview.

How are your 2014 goals tracking? Would love to hear.
