Do what you love. Love what you do.....

I'm here at the Gold Coast attending the Problogger conference. I have been looking forward to this conference for months. I came last year for the first time and it was awesome. I wrote about networking while I was here. Anyway, I haven't been looking forward to this conference because it's nice to be across the road from the beach, although that is nice.

And it's not because I'm staying at the QT Hotel which I love. I get to stay in lots of hotels and this one is a fav because it has character. It's fun and cheeky. Check it out!

And it's not because I finally put my sneakers on my feet and actually went for a walk this afternoon so that their trip from Singapore to Perth to Brisbane to the Gold Coast, wasn't for nothing.

No. The reason I have been looking forward to this conference is because bloggers are passionate about what they do. They live their passion and they love talking about it. There is so much energy and excitement here. This is in contrast to some conferences I have been to. In particular people at HR type conferences like to whinge during the conference breaks. They like to talk about how they don't have big enough budgets and about how no one takes them seriously and stuff like that. I hate it. Doesn't happen at a blogging conference. Nope.

In my experience blogging conferences are about connecting and sharing and learning and passion. It's about sharing where you are from and what you blog about. It's about sharing where you are at on the blogging journey. Are you new at it? Have you been doing it for a few years?  Or are you pro? And it's ok wherever you are at. Sometimes blogging can be a lonely pursuit despite connecting with people through social media so I suspect bloggers also just like to get out and socialise! The welcome drinks at the bar tonight was packed!

The other excitement here is getting to see and meet some amazing people. I have already spied the very striking and talented Clare Bowditch heading to the lift (she was on Offspring, apart from being a great musician) and met Chantelle Ellem from FatMumSlim in the lift and she is gorgeous! I would say she thinks I'm an idiot at this point. Chantelle does the photo a day challenge on Instagram.

The conference starts tomorrow so I better get my hair washed and my outfit sorted.

Lisa xx
